Chris's Book Blog

I love books of any kind!

Soul Resurrected (Sons of Wrath, #2) (Volume 2)

Soul Resurrected - Keri Lake OMG!!! I loved this book!

I read and loved Soul Avenged, so when I found out the second book in the series was out I just HAD to read it. And although I loved Soul Avenged I loved this book a LOT more!

I love the Sons of Wrath! If you like the Black Dagger Brotherhood books you will LOVE these books!

This book is Logan and Calla's Story. To be honest it started off a bit slow but after a few chapters in I was captivated. I couldn't put it down. It was so good! I love the way Keri writes.

The first book focused more on Ayden and the lycans. And we got to see some of the brothers. And I was already crushing on them! So when I found out this book was going to focus more on them I was excited.

Not only did we get Logan's Story but we got to learn little bits more about the other brothers.

This book had just the right amount of action and romance!

I can not wait for each of their yummy stories! I am hooked! I need more!

Unleashed (Underworld, #2)

Unleashed - Tempest C. Avery When I found out Unleashed had come out I jumped on the chance to read it! I really enjoyed the first book in the series(Unhinged). I love the world the author has created. Once I sat down to read this book I couldn't put it down. And once I finished the book it left me wanting more! I am looking forward to the next book to see what happens next!

Amid the Roar (The Dreamer Trilogy, #3)

Amid the Roar (The Dreamer Trilogy, #3) - Tempest C. Avery Great ending to a great trilogy.
I really enjoyed reading this trilogy. I wasn't sure if I was gonna like it when I read the first book. But since I have read and liked other works by this author I stuck with it.
Book two was much better and it left me waiting for more.
This book was the best one. I loved the story and where the author took it.
I will most definitely be reading more books by her.

Wanderers of the Night (The Dreamer Trilogy, #2)

Wanderers of the Night (The Dreamer Trilogy, #2) - Tempest C. Avery I really enjoyed this book. I liked the first one but this one was much better. I found myself having a hard time putting
The book down. The story kept getting better the further I got into the book.

I have also grown to like the "evil" Ronan.

I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Lover At Last: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood

Lover at Last - J.R. Ward I have always loved the BDB books. They are among my favorites. I have to
Say that this one was a little disappointing.

I was excited for B and Q to finally have their story. It was a long time coming. I really enjoyed their
Story. I have rooted for them all along.

I would have given the book a higher rating except I felt there was a lot of boring filler.
I don't usually mind a little side story but this book had too much of that going on. There were
Several side stories and they took way from the main story. I actually found myself skimming
Through a lot of the other side stories.
Some of the side stories have me wanting to know more. And some I could do without.
My problem was that there were to many at once.

I do look forward to the next book.

Unhinged (Underworld, #1)

Unhinged (Underworld, #1) - Tempest C. Avery What a great book. I loved it. I was very excited to be given the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review. I had already read another book by this author that I liked very much. So I knew I would like this book too. But I didn't just like it. I loved it.

If was nice to read a non vamp, non shifter paranormal romance. If you wanna read a paranormal romance with a different take on things then grab this book.

The author is such a great story teller. I literally couldn't put the book down.

I quickly took to each character. I like how Spencer's character grew through out the book. And I just fell in love with Hadrian.

I don't wanna spoil any of the book and give away too much.

I can not wait to find out what happens next and will be anxiously waiting for the next book in the series!

How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (Love at Stake, Book 1)

How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire - Kerrelyn Sparks I love this series! It is one of my favorites!

Undead and Unpopular (Queen Betsy, Book 5)

Undead and Unpopular - MaryJanice Davidson I like to read these for a lighter read but I am hoping the series gets better fast. First if you don't know before starting this book that there is a short story before this one and read it first when you read this it will feel like you missed a book.
Second I'm so tired of how Betsy makes everything to be about her. It's getting old. I'll keep reading and hope it gets better but I don't know how many more I can handle.

Turn Me On

Turn Me On - Tempest C. Avery This was a great book. I liked the different take on telepaths. I have to admit at first I had a hard time getting into it. But by the middle of the book I was hooked.

I really did like the authors different take on telepaths. And I enjoyed following Troy's and Rayna's Story. And the different twists and turns as the story progressed.

Soul Avenged (Sons of Wrath, #1)

Soul Avenged - Keri Lake Wow! Loved it!

I am so glad I was able to receive an ARC copy of this book. It is by far one of the best paranormal romance books ( with a bit of mystery ) I have read in a long time.
This story was exactly what I was looking for.

I loved the characters and the story line. It was one of those reads that I couldn't put down. I just fell in love each character and I am anxiously awaiting each of their stories!

I did love Ayden the main character in this book. And I enjoyed hers
and Kane's Story. And I look forward to seeing more of them in future books.
And I already love the Sons of Wrath (Brothers). And the world the author has started to create. And it is their stories that I look forward to in future books. I am already crushing on a couple of the brothers.

I also liked how the story in is multiple POV's.

I think this is a great start to a great series!

The Children of the Sun (II AM Trilogy #3)

The Children of the Sun - Christopher Buecheler Loved it! I'm sad to see it end.

Deadlocked (Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood, Book 12)

Deadlocked - Charlaine Harris I love this series and im sad to see it looking like its coming to an end:( .

Blood Hunt

Blood Hunt - Christopher Buecheler Loved it!

Ascend (Trylle Trilogy, #3)

Ascend (Trylle Trilogy, #3) - Amanda Hocking,  Jason Letts My review may spoil the book for you.

I really enjoyed this trilogy until the last book. I have to say that I am very dissapointed in how it ended.

I am shocked that she ended up with Loki.I didnt feel the chemistry with her and him. I was definately rooting for Finn.

The Blood That Bonds (II AM Trilogy #1)

The Blood That Bonds - Christopher Buecheler Being that it was a free ebook and the cover is not very good, I wasnt sure what I was going to think about the book. But I was pleasantly surprised when I started reading it. The first couple of chapters rope you right in.
And even though it was a long book it was a quick read and only took me a couple of days to read it.
I look forward to seeing what happens next.

Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter)

Bullet - Laurell K. Hamilton I get more and more dissapointed in these books. This one the worst yet! I loved them in the beginning. But I just dont like last few. I am going to give her latest one a try. But if that one isnt an apporvement I am not gonna bother with the series anymore.

Currently reading

Kicking It
Shannon K. Butcher, Rob Thurman, Chris Marie Green, Lucienne Diver, Christina Henry, Rachel Caine, Kalayna Price, Chloe Neill, Faith Hunter
Wild Things
Chloe Neill
Laurell K. Hamilton
Blood Bath & Beyond
Michelle Rowen
Throne of Oak
Dana Marie Bell
You Slay Me
Katie MacAlister
Bitten & Smitten
Michelle Rowen
Up From the Grave
Jeaniene Frost
Kelley Armstrong
First Grave on the Right
Darynda Jones