Soul Resurrected (Sons of Wrath, #2) (Volume 2)

I read and loved Soul Avenged, so when I found out the second book in the series was out I just HAD to read it. And although I loved Soul Avenged I loved this book a LOT more!
I love the Sons of Wrath! If you like the Black Dagger Brotherhood books you will LOVE these books!
This book is Logan and Calla's Story. To be honest it started off a bit slow but after a few chapters in I was captivated. I couldn't put it down. It was so good! I love the way Keri writes.
The first book focused more on Ayden and the lycans. And we got to see some of the brothers. And I was already crushing on them! So when I found out this book was going to focus more on them I was excited.
Not only did we get Logan's Story but we got to learn little bits more about the other brothers.
This book had just the right amount of action and romance!
I can not wait for each of their yummy stories! I am hooked! I need more!